Researchers investigate decline in South Africa’s forest-birds

Forest-dwelling bird species are disappearing from some of South Africa's indigenous forests, with forest birds in the Eastern Cape being the most affected. A...

Alarming link between feral pigs and vampire bats

A new study shows that the number of vampire bats, which transmit rabies and are a concern for livestock breeders, may be increasing in...

New population of critically endangered dryas monkeys discovered

Using remote sensing cameras and sound recorders, scientists have captured rare video footage of a newly discovered population of critically endangered monkeys in one...

Increasing factory and auto emissions disrupt natural cycle in East China Sea

China's rapid ascent to global economic superpower is taking a toll on some of its ancient ways. For millennia, people have patterned their lives...

Too many deer are bad for the forest

Overabundant deer can spell trouble for people, including frequent car collisions and the spread of zoonotic diseases. But deer can also disrupt wildlife communities...

Lost in translation: Traffic noise disrupts communication between species

Human-made noise can hinder the response of animals to the warning signals given by other species, putting them at greater risk of death from...

Study identifies the southeast’s most diverse and imperiled waterways

After more than a year of data collection, analysis and mapping, experts have published a comprehensive survey of Southeastern watersheds and the diverse aquatic...

Forty-four invading species ‘loose’ in North Atlantic

Accidental introductions of non-native species has been of increasing concern since the 1980s when human-mediated transportation, mainly related to ships' ballast water, was recognised...

Don’t ‘bee’ worried: Researcher says endangered bumblebee populations will rise again

Bumblebees recently became the first species from the U.S. to be placed on the endangered species list, but an entomologist said bumblebee endangerment is...

New review of medicinal compounds in toad secretions compiled

The cane toad, which overran Australia when introduced there, and Panama's iconic, endangered golden frog both belong to the family Bufonidae. Researchers combed through...

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