China Briefing, 1 July 2021: ETS launch delayed; Massive hydropower station; Coal prices to...
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s China weekly digest. We handpick and explain the most important climate and energy stories from China over the past seven days.
Media reaction: Pacific north-west ‘heat dome’ and the role of climate change
Less than two weeks after record-breaking temperatures forced California into a state of emergency, a severe heatwave has swept over northwestern US and Canada,...
国際的な科学者チームが 4 年間かけて詳細な議論を重ねた結果、大気中 CO2濃 度の増加に対する世界の地表温度の応答を、これまで以上に正確に定量化する ことができました。
Reviews of Geophysics 誌に掲載された今回の成果は、「平衡気候感度」(ECS)の推定値の 幅を狭めるものです。ECS とは、大気中の CO2濃度が産業革命以前の水準の 2 倍になっ た場合に、世界がどれだけ温暖化するかを示す指標です。
1979 年に米国の気象学者 Jule Charney 氏が、1.5°C~4.5°Cの幅の可能性を示唆して以来、 ECS の推定値の幅を狭めることは気候科学の最重要課題となっています。その推定幅の主 な根拠となったのは、世界初の 2 つの全球気候モデルで、大気中の...
Guest post: Deciphering the rise and fall of Antarctic sea ice extent
The sharp decline in Arctic sea ice over recent decades has become one of the most enduring images of the Earth’s warming climate. Yet,...
Guest post: These 553 steel plants are responsible for 9% of global CO2 emissions
The iron and steel industry is responsible for 11% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and will need to change rapidly to align with...
Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change?
The EU has come to the end of a three-year effort to reform its controversial farming subsidy programme, known as the Common Agricultural Policy...
Guest post: How attribution can fill the evidence ‘gap’ in climate litigation
In November 2015, a Peruvian farmer and mountain guide, Saúl Luciano Lliuya, launched a pioneering bid for climate justice in a German court more...
Guest post: Emissions should fall ‘twice as fast’ in case negative emissions fail
Many model pathways designed to meet the climate goals of the Paris Agreement rely heavily on large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR), also known as “negative...
China Briefing, 24 June 2021: Hydrogen-fuelled vehicles; ETS launch date; Iron and steel emissions
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s China weekly digest. We handpick and explain the most important climate and energy stories from China over the past seven days.
Climate change has driven 16% drop in ‘snow meltwater’ from Asia’s high mountains
Climate change is reducing the supply of water from melting snow to many of the largest rivers in Asia, threatening the water security of...