Large-mouthed fish was top predator after mass extinction

The food chains recovered more rapidly than previously assumed after Earth's most devastating mass extinction event about 252 million years ago as demonstrated by...

Cultural flexibility was key for early humans to survive extreme dry periods in southern...

The early human techno-tradition, known as Howiesons Poort, associated with Homo sapiens who lived in southern Africa about 66,000 to 59,000 years ago indicates...

Turning dirty tinfoil into biofuel catalyst

A researcher has discovered a way to convert dirty aluminium foil into a biofuel catalyst, which could help to solve global waste and energy...

New membranes help reduce carbon dioxide emission

Scientists are developing membranes for an efficient separation of gasses, to use for the production of oxygen or hydrogen, for example.

People and wildlife now threatened by rapid destruction of Central America’s forests

Central America's largest remaining forests are disappearing at a precipitous rate due to illegal cattle ranching, oil palm plantations, and other human-related activities, all...

Trees can make or break city weather

Even a single urban tree can help moderate wind speeds and keep pedestrians comfortable as they walk down the street, according to a new...

Fungal spores harness physics to launch themselves

More than a century ago, Reginald Buller discovered that a spherical drop of water that forms close to a spore is crucial to the...

Could spraying particles into marine clouds help cool the planet?

A first test of humans' ability to modify clouds would help explain the behavior of clouds and aerosols, while also testing a possible future...

Coral gardening is benefiting Caribbean reefs, study finds

A new study found that Caribbean staghorn corals (Acropora cervicornis) are benefiting from 'coral gardening,' the process of restoring coral populations by planting laboratory-raised...

How fear alone can cause animal extinction

Fear alone may contribute to the extinction of animal populations according to a recent study. When scientists exposed fruit flies to the scent of...

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