How flowers adapt to their pollinators

The first flowering plants originated more than 140 million years ago in the early Cretaceous. They are the most diverse plant group on Earth...

Prenatal and early life exposure to multiple air pollutants increases odds of toddler allergies

A new article shows a significant association between multiple prenatal and early life exposures to indoor pollutants and the degree of allergic sensitivity in...

Untangling the branches in the mammal tree of life

Researchers have unveiled a complete overhaul of the way species data is brought together and analyzed to construct an evolutionary tree of life for...

Silverswords may be gone with the wind

Silversword plants of Hawai'i - known by their Hawai'ian name 'ahinahina which translates to very grey - are unique to the Maui's Haleakala volcano...

Protected habitats near US borders

The clustering of protected habitats in the Americas near international borders makes many iconic, wide-ranging animals physically dependent on good relations between neighboring countries...

How to improve water quality in Europe

Toxic substances from agriculture, industry and households endanger water quality in Europe -- and by extension, ecosystems and human health. As part of the...

Sweet potato uses a single odor to warn its neighbors of insect attack

A single volatile substance can be sufficient to induce a defense response in sweet potatoes to herbivores. Researchers have identified this substance and shown...

New evolutionary insights into the early development of songbirds

An international team has sequenced a chromosome in zebra finches called the germline-restricted chromosome (GRC). This chromosome is only found in germline cells, the...

Oyster deaths: American slipper limpet is innocent

Researchers have managed to shine some light on the decline in numbers of the European oyster. They have concluded that the occurrence of the...

Photosynthesis — living laboratories

Biologists have demonstrated for the first time that cyanobacteria and plants employ similar mechanisms and key proteins to regulate cyclic electron flow during photosynthesis.

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