Natural-born killers wreak ecological havoc
According to the French Novelist, Victor Hugo, “God has made the cat to give man the pleasure of caressing the tiger.” It’s an apt description...
When all hope is lost, keep fighting
On the one hand, it’s simply impossible to overstate just how dire the climate and biodiversity emergency really is, and in truth, most people...
Progress through technology? Nein, danke
Every country has its deeply entrenched lobby group, and in the case of Germany, its massive motor industry pulls the political strings, exercising a...
Dire warnings falling on deaf ears
Late March saw the launch of the IPCC’s AR6 Synthesis Report, which brings together the three main strands, as well as other IPCC special reports,...
To save our world, we must fall in love with nature
“In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we...
Feeding aircraft while people go hungry
As the squeeze on heavy users of fossil fuels to be seen to be cleaning up their act intensifies, there is now a flurry...
Bringing airborne plastic pollution down to earth
What goes up, must eventually come down again, and so it is with helium balloons, a pernicious form of pollution that rarely receives the...
A 15-minute walk on the wild side
There is no idea too moderate or sensible that conspiracy theorists can’t tar as a Marxist plot to turn us all into slaves in...
Violent words beget violent actions
By and large, Ireland is a tolerant country, spared the worst excesses of polarisation that have blighted post-Brexit Britain and the US after Trump....
Oil giants struggle to wash blood off their hands
It may be making more money than ever, but the fossil fuel industry is rapidly losing whatever semblance of social licence it could still...