Experiment evaluates the effect of human decisions on climate reconstructions

The first double-blind experiment analysing the role of human decision-making in climate reconstructions has found that it can lead to substantially different results.

Modern genetic sequencing tools give clearer picture of how corals are related

As corals face threats from ocean warming, a new study uses the latest genetic-sequencing tools to help unravel the relationships between three similar-looking corals.

Bacterial enzyme makes new type of biodegradable polymer

Strings of sugars called polysaccharides are the most abundant biopolymers on Earth. Because of their versatile and environmentally friendly properties, these molecules could eventually...

The toxic air in Britain's cities demands urgent action – not legal delays.

The UK government is facing criticism for delaying publication of its air quality plan. The country’s high court had ordered the government to urgently...

How quickly does the climate recover?

It took the climate 20,000 to 50,000 years to stabilize after the rise in global temperatures of five to eight degrees Celsius 56 million...

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