Podcast: politicians and the wellbeing economy

Caroline Whyte Seán Ó Conláin In our Bridging the Gaps podcast series, the hosts, Seán O’Conláin and Caroline Whyte, explore a range of topics with guests...

Specialisation and trade – David Ricardo versus Frederich List

What Schumpeter called the “Ricardian Vice” was a mode of reasoning in which the required conclusions are buried in the assumptions of an argument....

More thoughts on the good life

Here’s a powerful thought – the largest consumption of energy in the UK is personal consumption and the largest share of that is by...

Living well in the face of climate and ecological crises

Feasta event, Saturday, Dec 7th 2019, 10.30am-4pm; Tailors’ Hall, Back Lane, Dublin 8. Through a combination of interview-style conversation and small-group discussion, this event will...

COP-27 Reflections: Loss and Damage, and Cap and Share

The COP-27 climate conference in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt ended a few weeks ago.  FEASTA provided badges to several youth activists to attend and gain entry...

Context For A Theory Of Change

Mike Sandler takes a look at some of the assumptions about society and the process of social and political change we tend to make...

Qualitative Easing : The Urgent Need to Pick Winners

Follow @GrahamJBarnes To invest in the future of our families, our communities, our companies, our nations or our planet we have two choices – either...

Bringing disaster preparedness into resilience politics

"We should not give up the campaigning against further overshoot but we now need to combine this fight with steps in communities to prepare...

Greta Thunberg, motives and being strategic

Caroline Whyte urges critics of Greta Thunberg's campaign to focus on perspective.

Well-being in Ireland

Research has been carried out previously in Ireland concerning well-being, including the NESC report– “Well-being Matters: A Social Report for Ireland”. This report identifies...

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