Submission on strategic risks facing Ireland

We urge the Irish government to recognise the existential aspect of environmental risk, as well as the complex challenges posed by the global financial...

Webinar on the work of David Fleming

Open Invitation to Webinar on Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy Thursday May 4th 2-4 pm Facilitated by Shaun...

Stop Climate Chaos event: Dinner with Darwin, July 22

Stop Climate Chaos, of which Feasta is a member, is organising an event on July 22: “Happenings in partnership with Dublin City Council and Stop...

Safety in reopening schools during COVID-19

"As societies transition into reopening different sectors, there are massive considerations to take into account. I want to emphasize the importance of using an...

Podcast: Beyond Growth, Beyond Europe…and Beyond Politics

Caroline Whyte Seán Ó Conláin In our Bridging the Gaps podcast series, the hosts, Seán O’Conláin and Caroline Whyte, explore a range of topics with guests...

Limits to economic growth?

This lecture was presented at the University of Nottingham on April 4, 2017. Please click on the slides to enlarge them. On April 3 in...

Mismodelling human beings – “rational economic men” in love, politics and everyday life

This chapter explores the assumptions about human nature on which mainstream economics is based. The description of “rational economic man” ignores most psychological and...

Brexit and complexity

Complexity is probably the chief problem of Brexit… There’s a line in the song “Hotel California” by the Eagles that reminds me of the Brexit...

Feasta week in Kerry

We still have some places available for our annual week-long workshop at Rossbeigh in Kerry, which will take place at the end of June...

Greta Thunberg, PR and the “Climate Emergency”

Brian Davey argues that Greta Thunberg's campaign is being manipulated by big businesses and large environmental NGOs to engineer a massive policy coup for...

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