Psychopathology at the Limits to Economics Growth: Part Two

The Management of Everyday life goes into crisis – mental health consequences As we will show later in this article, this has enormous knock-on implications...

Greta Thunberg, PR and the “Climate Emergency”

Brian Davey argues that Greta Thunberg's campaign is being manipulated by big businesses and large environmental NGOs to engineer a massive policy coup for...

Speed and localism

"If we are to mitigate catastrophic climate change and also reverse the catastrophically increasing chasm between rich and poor, first, we must reclaim the...

Herd Immunity, Deathmaking and the Limits to Growth

Brian Davey describes how that the meaning of concepts such as 'herd immunity' tends to become degraded, and warns against complacency about the future.

Feasta Annual Report 2018

We're just uploaded our latest Annual Report, which includes a summary of Feasta's work in 2018, along with a newly-developed theory of change and...

Economics for the 99 Percent in the News

Mike Sandler discusses four economic policies that have been in the news lately: Basic Income, Public Banking, Negative Interest, and QE for the People.

How do we survive tomorrow? October 12, 6-pm, Nottingham

This conversation organised by the University of Nottingham will feature Brian Davey and Alan Simpson, the sustainable economics advisor to the shadow chancellor in...

New podcast series by Feasta and the EHFF: Bridging the Gaps

Our new podcast series kicks off with some reflections on preserving our mental health in these turbulent times, from our December 7 event "Living...

Extinction Rebellion, Green New Deal, Labour and sustainability……. and Cap and Share

"What we must try to promise is not rising incomes but security," writes Brian Davey. "That's a fundamental point and I don't find...

Healthy Habitats

Environmental action is often framed in terms of improving single metrics such as carbon or nitrogen. Yet this approach risks inadvertently causing damage by over-emphasising one...

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