Mapping Tropical Forest Health with NASA Satellite Data

When assessing the world’s tropical forests, size isn’t the only thing that matters. NASA’s high-resolution satellite data now allow scientists to measure forest quality...

Getting a Bird’s-Eye View of Food Insecurity with Catherine Nakalembe

Every year millions of people worldwide suffer from hunger and food insecurity. Climate change —and increased drought, pests and other climate-related side effects —...

Satellite Data Give Scientists an Upstream Look at Native Fish

A team of NASA scientists have found a novel way to measure biodiversity in Alaska. By combining satellite data with water samples containing fish...

Mosquito Bites and Satellites: Tracking Mosquito-Borne Disease with Earth Data

Mosquitos are unwelcome guests at outdoor summer events across America — and thanks to rising global temperatures, they’re becoming more prevalent and sticking around...

Recent amendments have “gutted” Climate Bill

12 July 2021  Recent amendments to the Climate Bill have taken the “guts out” of the legislation, according to one of Ireland’s leading climate scientists.  A...

2021 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #39

Listing of articles linked to on the Skeptical Science Facebook Page during the past week: Sun, September 19, 2021 through Sat, September 25, 2021 The following...

SkS Analogy 23 – Ferris Wheel Supply Chain

Large-Scale Ocean Circulation Ferris Wheels are large amusement-park rides that carry us high up to provide an unrivaled view of the surroundings. They do no...

Climate school strikers return to the streets the country-over

24 September 2021  Hundreds of students gathered in Dublin today in-person to protest against the Irish government’s inaction on the climate crisis for the first...

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