Emissions credits likely worthless in reducing emissions, study says.

As nations grapple with how they can slash their emissions as part of the Paris climate agreement, some may use international credit schemes that...

Meet the man willing to spend millions to convince Elon Musk to dump Trump.

Climate change Doug Derwin is investing up to $2m to persuade Tesla’s CEO to speak out against US climate change policies and resign from groups...

A day for celebration and protest.

Saturday is Earth Day, the annual holiday to advocate good stewardship of the planet, launched in 1970 by the late Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson. This...

Trump policy advisers, split over Paris accord, will debate US role in pact.

By CORAL DAVENPORTApril 18, 2017WASHINGTON — President Trump’s most influential policy advisers are urging him to keep the United States in the landmark Paris climate accord...

Understanding climate risks makes us all less vulnerable.

WARWICK SMITH/FAIRFAX NZ The 2013 drought had a huge impact on New Zealand – according to Treasury estimates, it cost the New Zealand economy at...

Climate funds for world’s poorest slow to materialise.

Climate Change, Development & Aid, Energy, Environment, Featured, Green Economy, Headlines, Poverty & SDGs, TerraViva United NationsA project to help Ethiopian farmers adapt to...

Rich countries urged to honor climate pledges.

By Elias Glenn, Reuters China, Brazil, India and South Africa have urged industrialized countries to honor financial commitments made in Paris in 2015 to help...

Great Barrier Reef tourism: Caught between commerce and conservation alarm.

Great Barrier Reef More people than ever are coming to see the reef and those who make a living showing it off want the world...

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