The carbon footprint of crime has fallen, study finds
A study has found that the carbon footprint of crime over the last 20 years has fallen.
Volcanic eruptions examiner
Volcanologists spent two weeks collecting samples from Yasur, a continuously erupting volcano on Tanna, an island in the remote South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu,...
Chesapeake Bay pollution extends to early 19th century
Humans began measurably and negatively impacting water quality in the Chesapeake Bay in the first half of the 19th century, according to a study...
Canary in the kelp forest: Sea creature dissolves in today’s warming, acidic waters
The one-two punch of warming waters and ocean acidification is predisposing some marine animals to dissolving quickly under conditions already occurring off the Northern...
Water is streaming across Antarctica
In the first such continent-wide survey, scientists have found extensive drainages of meltwater flowing over parts of Antarctica's ice during the brief summer.
Cold-water corals: Acidification harms, warming promotes growth
The cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa is able to counteract negative effects of ocean acidification under controlled laboratory conditions when water temperature rises by a...
Ocean warming to cancel increased CO2-driven productivity
Researchers have constructed a marine food web to show how climate change could affect our future fish supplies and marine biodiversity.
Discovery in northern lakes may be key to understanding early life on Earth
Many Canadian lakes can provide new insights into ancient oceans, a team of researchers has discovered, and these findings could advance research about greenhouse...
More than one way to build a black bird
For a species of flycatcher in the remote Solomon Islands, scientists have so far found at least two genetic pathways leading to the same...
Physics of disaster: How mudslides move
A devastating fire followed by an intense rainstorm triggered mudslides in Southern California in 2018 that claimed 23 lives. New findings elucidate the physics...