Spotted owls benefit from forest fire mosaic

Fire is a crucial part of the forest ecosystem on which threatened spotted owls rely, but climate change and decades of fire suppression are...

Study shows big smart meter investment yielded ‘very small’ electricity savings

Canadian researchers compared data for nine months before and nine months after time-of-use rates were introduced in November 2011 by an unidentified distribution company...

Drone vs. truck deliveries: Which creates less carbon pollution?

A new study finds that drone deliveries emit less climate-warming carbon dioxide pollution than truck deliveries in some -- but not all -- scenarios.

Previously, on Arctic warming

Arctic warming occurred in the early 20th century due to the warming phases -- 'interdecadal variability mode' -- of both the Pacific and Atlantic...

Climate change can alter the impact of forest pathogens in trees

New research on projected climate changes indicates that climate change has an alarming potential to increase the damage caused to Norway spruce trees by...

More frequent extreme ocean warming could further endanger albatross

As scientists grapple with the behavioral, ecological and evolutionary impacts of extreme climatic events, new research articles explore what is known on the topic...

Nitrogen fixation research could shed light on biological mystery

Half the world's population depends for its survival on nitrogen fixed by bacteria, but we still don't know how the bacteria do it. New...

Colorful reptile serves as a health barometer for the impacts of coal waste

Exposure to coal combustion residues lead to higher levels of trace elements in yellow-bellied sliders, a freshwater turtle native to the Southeastern U.S., scientists...

World-first technology reduces harmful diesel emissions

An industry-first technology has the potential to significantly cut nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in diesel engines.

Groundwater ‘pit stops’ enabled survival, migration of our ancient ancestors

The movement of our ancestors across East Africa was shaped by the locations of groundwater springs, suggests new research.

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