John Oliver, a giant squirrel and a defamation lawsuit by a coal industry titan.

In a segment on the decline of the coal industry and President Trump's promises to bring it back, John Oliver railed against the Murray...

Trump lifts coal leasing moratorium.

President Donald Trump sat surrounded by coal miners Tuesday as he signed an executive order calling for agencies to rescind a review of federal...

Fifty shades of Trump.

Op-Ed ColumnistJune 29, 2017Gail CollinsI hope you’re aware this is Energy Week. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry certainly is. You have never seen a...

Australia Greens push for electricity crisis to be taken out of politicians' hands.

The Greens are pushing for a new public authority to take responsibility for Australia's beleaguered electricity system out of politicians' hands. It follows several organisations,...

Meet Scott Pruitt's likely legal muscle.

Matt Leopold (left) is the likely nominee for U.S. EPA general counsel under Administrator Scott Pruitt. Leopold/LinkedIn;Gage Skidmore/Flickr (Pruitt) In the fall of 2015, Florida...

UAE environmentalists say fight against climate change must continue.

UAE campaigners have said the fight against climate change must go on, after the administration of US president Donald Trump yesterday said it would...

Dakota Access pipeline has first leak before pipeline is fully operational.

Dakota Access pipeline Leak raises fresh concerns about hazards to waterways and outrages indigenous groups, who have long warned of threat to environment <!--><!--><!--><!--> The Dakota Access...

Miners increase green energy use to power their pits.

By Barbara Lewis | LONDON...

Investors are building their own green-power lines.

What if the wind sweeping down the plains of Wyoming could be harnessed to generate enough electricity to power the city of Los Angeles?...

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