Primer acuerdo sobre derechos ambientales para América Latina y el Caribe

Representantes de 24 países de América Latina y el Caribe reunidos en San José, Costa Rica, adoptaron el lunes 5 de marzo de 2018...

El cambio climático amenaza con hacer inhabitable el sur de Asia con olas de...

El estudio, basado en simulaciones realizadas por ordenador, prevé que en las próximas décadas se produzcan olas de calor mortales en partes de India,...

Looking Ahead At Climate Resiliency Following Paris Aftermath

Pexels After the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement, people are wondering how this will impact the sustainability initiatives of U.S. companies....

Al Gore regresa a Cannes con filme sobre cambio climático

Once años después de presentar al mundo su combate contra el cambio climático en An Inconvenient Truth, el ex vicepresidente estadunidense Al Gore retoma...

China’s role in Turkey’s energy future

A coal shipment underway in China, 2007. Image: China may be halting construction of coal-fired power at home but abroad it’s still investing in...

U.S. Governors at U.N. Assembly: ‘You Have Allies’ on Climate Change

By LISA FRIEDMAN and BRAD PLUMERSeptember 18, 2017UNITED NATIONS — Jerry Brown, the governor of California, huddled on Sunday night with European, Brazilian and small-island leaders — gathered...

Buhari ratifies Paris agreement on climate change

President Muhammadu Buhari Nigeria has become the latest country to ratify the Paris Climate agreement, which aims to avoid the most devastating effects of climate...

Climate change and hurricanes: Is Irma a sign of things to come?

Hurricane Irma is the most powerful storm ever recorded over the Atlantic.Did climate change make it more deadly? Maybe a little but not as...

Influence of France and China in Pacific sets scene for top level talks

The addition of two French controlled territories, New Caledonia and French Polynesia, as permanent members is already a talking point given the forum has long been...

Simon Stiell: The International Community Must Together Steer A New Course of Climate Action

UN Climate Change News, 4 October 2022 - Addressing participants at today’s High-level meeting of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) of vulnerable nations - organized by...

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