Why did humans start farming?

Hunter-gatherers worked less, had more varied diets, and better health – so shy did we switch to agriculture?

A new generation of Indian farmers rejects industrial food production

Supported by the Amrita Bhoomi Agroecology Centre, young farmers are experimenting with natural farming methods, while saving money and lives in the process.

World’s first floating dairy farm comes to Rotterdam

Let's hope cows don't get seasick.

Kids’ pesticide exposure as bad for lungs as secondhand smoke

Study finds California kids living in agricultural areas have a hard time breathing. Back in 2001, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley began looking...

Bring on the bugs! Young Britons are ready for ethical, sustainable protein

A new survey finds that young people expect bugs to be a normal part of our diets within a decade.

Europe’s olive trees face a pandemic of their own

Nutrient-depleting bacteria are decimating olive groves throughout the Mediterranean, with devastating consequences.

Flight of the bumblebee: Research tracks every move of these mysterious creatures

With the health of bees on the decline, researchers race to help support these critical pollinators. An amazing bit of research reported by scientists from...

How Irish cattle farmers preserve a strange, ancient landscape

I have always loved the films made by The Perennial Plate. From eating invasive species to chowing down on roadkill, they've always been willing...

Desperate farmers are selling pigs on Craigslist

With slaughterhouses closed, they're doing anything to avoid mass euthanasia.

It’s time to embrace American hemp production

This super-plant has been misunderstood for too long.

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