Under 10 percent of international climate fund cash reaching local projects, study shows

“Understanding how to get money where it matters is the challenge of the moment,” says one report authorBy Laurie Goering LONDON, March 7 (Thomson Reuters...

Arctic sea ice could disappear even if world achieves climate target

Goal of limiting rise in average global temperatures to below 2C may not prevent ice-free Arctic, scientists warn <!--><!--><!--><!--> A polar bear drinks Arctic water in...

EU says to beef up climate diplomacy to save Paris agreement

BRUSSELS EU foreign ministers on Monday said the bloc would strengthen diplomacy to promote the fight against climate change in the face of a...

China premier promises to 'make skies blue again'

March 6, 2017 —China's skies will one day be "blue again," vowed Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday. In his address to the National People's Congress,...

Les glaces de l'Arctique pourraient disparaître l'été malgré l'accord de Paris

La banquise de l'Arctique a régulièrement rétréci au cours des dernières décennies, que ce soit en superficie ou en épaisseur, ce qui met à...

Le secteur privé et les ODD

WASHINGTON, DC – La réalisation des ambitieux objectifs mondiaux de développement durable (ODD) - qui englobent l’éradication de la pauvreté, l’amélioration de la santé...

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